The GEOSS Discovery And Access Broker APIs
Authors: Fabrizio Papeschi, Mattia Santoro, Stefano Nativi
API version: 1.4.3-beta


Extends Common_UINode
Module: UI

This class extends UINode in order to provide a specific graphical representation of nodes originating from the GBIF source as depicted in the below snapshots.
The following CSS is required:

                        <!-- API CSS -->
                        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

The image above shows a GBIF_UINode which renders a GBIF resource of type "species/higher taxa"

The image above shows a GBIF_UINode which renders a GBIF resource of type "occurrence"

The image above shows a GBIF_UINode which renders a GBIF resource of type "dataset"

This UINode implementation requires to set some mandatory global properties as depicted in the following code snippet:

                        var resultSetLayout = GIAPI.ResultSetLayout(id,{
                            // registers this class to the layout
                            'uiNodes': [GIAPI.GBIF_UINode],
                            // ...other default ResultSetLayout properties 






  • instance
  • array

This static function provides an implementation for the onUpdateReady function.
Set the number of occurrences in all the rendered GBIF_UINode which represents resources of type species or dataset




Inherited from UINode

Return true if this GINode contains the word "GBIF"


true if this GINode contains the word "GBIF"


  • node
  • rowNumber
  • rowId
  • colNumber
  • colId

Inherited from UINode:

Renders this UINode with the given {{#crossLink "GINode"}}node{{/crossLink}}.
This implementation creates a component constituted by a <section> and a <aside> elements according to the options.sectionDom and options.asideDom.
When an element is appended to the DOM, the correspondent event function (options.sectionDom or options.asideDom) is called.
In most part of the cases, there is no need to override this method since the implementation of the options.sectionDom and options.asideDom functions is enough.
For more info see this section.


  • node GINode
    the {{#crossLink "GINode"}}node{{/crossLink}} to use for rendering
  • rowNumber Integer
    the number of the current row of the {{#crossLink "ResultSetLayout"}}{{/crossLink}}
  • rowId String
    the identifier of the current row of the {{#crossLink "ResultSetLayout"}}{{/crossLink}}
  • colNumber Integer
    the number of the current column of the {{#crossLink "ResultSetLayout"}}{{/crossLink}}
  • colId String
    the identifier of the current column of the {{#crossLink "ResultSetLayout"}}{{/crossLink}}; the <section> and a <aside> elements are appended to this column